The current posts are occurring on the Weather of the Mind Podcast

Plenty of archived material on here. Feel encouraged to look around and see some of the projects we have been coming up with over the years.

The Weather of the Mind podcast focuses on practical approaches to emotional health. It is about 15-20 minutes a week and can be found on ITunes, Spotify, and on this Weather of the Mind site.

Hoping to a massive reprinting of books for 2019. Stay tuned.

Keep learning,


Urbanmonks update 12.22.17

Hello friends -

Just wanted to drop a few quick lines to let you know that the Urbanmonks Thinktank is alive and well.  It has been a quiet few months, as I have moved from NYC up to Ithaca, NY, and have spent much of my time teaching, tutoring, writing, and reflecting upon future plans.    

For my current work, I am teaching a course called Energy Warriors to incarcerated teens.   The course, which is funded by Cornell Cooperative Extension, is designed to expose the students to green energy trade skills.  So basically, I teach high school boys about design principles, weatherization, solar energy and wind energy. We have a great team that includes a re-entry staff person who helps links the students up with mentors and employment in the green energy field upon their release. 

Ithaca has welcomed me back with open arms and I am excited for the future of the Urbanmonks Thinktank here.  There are so many outstanding minds and spirits here to collaborate with. 

I hope to write up a 2018 plan and share it with you over the website.  The main project for 2018 is the development of the Weather of the Mind app.  The plan is to have a crowd-funding campaign in February or March and to hire an app developer soon after. 

If you are interested in supporting this project, learning more about this project, or you want to link me up with a great app designer, please drop me a line. 

More to come. Living and learning, 

