The Weather of the Mind is Available for Order

A few people have been asking me what happened to the Urbanmonks emails?  Well, the Urbanmonks Thinktank is young and still finding our rhythm and it seems like our general year schedule is shaping up to look something like this:

January through July - research books, write books, edit books (the reclusive monk portion)
August through December - hit the streets with the cart, sell books, write post on the website (the social portion) (the outreach portion)

We have a whole slew of new items available at the street cart (and on this website).  I will introduce them over the next few weeks.  Today I will start by introducing The Weather of the Mind.  This is the first book in the Urbanmonks Wisdom Curriculum.  In this book I explain my methods for studying wisdom over the past dozen years and I explain why wisdom ought to be a subject in our schools, universities, workplaces, and families.

Keep in mind the main mission of the Urbanmonks Thinktank is to coordinate a proactive and system-based approach to emotional health.  The goal is to sell The Weather of the Mind to schools, colleges, book clubs, and individuals who want to have techniques for understanding their emotions.

We ran an initial printing of the book but we will be run a large run next week.  Please pre-order a few(!) copies for you and your friends and read them together.  It includes a six-week emotional education course where you chart your emotions three times a day.  

We think this book will reach many people, but it will spread grassroots-style in the beginning, which means we rely on you to help spread the word and to buy some books.  But trust me, this book is damn good. I guarantee it.  

Here is a sample of the first section of the book:  Weather Sampler. Order a copy of the book here:  the store. 

Doug and the Urbanmonks Crew